Friday, March 17, 2006

Barry Fitzgerald of Shrouded Steps--Ireland

Today seems like the perfect day to talk about Ireland.

In November 2004, my group--DCMAG--travelled there to check out some haunted places in the Midlands. As far as we know, we are the first American group to have done an investigation at Leap Castle. You can find out more info about that on the main site.

Our host was Barry Fitzgerald, who heads up Shrouded Steps haunted tours. Barry has travelled all over Europe in search of haunted and paranormal places. From the catacombs of Paris to the blood cults of Eastern Europe, Barry has experienced it and is very knowledgeable. He's also very funny and lots of fun to be around.

Make sure you keep checking back because for the next few entries, I will talk about my experiences while there and I have interviews with Barry about elemental entities.


Anonymous said...

Oh, not only is he experienced in the paranormal but he is beautiful as well. In fact I would say he is the most beautiful bloke in all of Ireland.

Elle said...

Yeah, he's darn beautiful all right, LOL...

Garry Blevins said...

hi barry my name is garry blevins and me and a few of mty friends are intrested in spending a night at leap castle. we are aware it may be expensive but are willing to pay. please get in touch. my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

barry... consider this a kind of EVP... barry... lose the "landing strip" on your chin... really with all due respect... but that facial hair only belongs on creeps from Los Angeles, not you! it's killing me barry...

Nena Rio said...


It is no "landing strip" It's darn sexy! I hope you're not breathing in all that volcanic ash. Stay safe, be yourself and don't loose the patch! Light & Hugs, Nena Rio, aka.....You know!